Solution-Focused Lifestyle Coaching
Let's Start Here...
Emotional and mental health is vital to our lives and impacts our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. Taking care of our mental health regularly can help us combat and prevent future issues that may surface otherwise.
This is where Moxie5 steps in with Solution-Focused Lifestyle Coaching packages
for positive mental health and future success.
Accelerate with Purpose
Fast Track
Moxie5's Lifestyle Coaching packages place you on the fast track to reaching your goals. We've spent more than 20 years studying and 9 years professionally perfecting the coaching process. Time is critical and the available 1-year Lifestyle Coaching packages develop new habits and teach skills to become your best self. With Moxie5, get where you want to go quickly, with UNLIMITED COACHING & high accountability standards suiting your life for ultimate success.
How we function and live in various aspects of our lives is incredibly important personally and socially. Moxie5 understands the importance of STRONG MENTAL HEALTH and our focus is on helping you be better for you and helping all of us be better for worldly culture. It is truly no joke that the struggle is real and even the smallest struggle can pain us to our core. Our customer loyalty means so much to us as a team. Getting our clients to a positive place is the best outcome and we do it daily. #doitdaily
Awards & Certifications
Over 10 years of Professional Study & Certifications and Ethical Practitioner in the Coaching Sphere
Mastery of Life
Master Life Coaches collaborate with individuals, acting as their allies in attaining objectives, surmounting obstacles, and effecting transformations in their lives.
Life Purpose
Life Coaches aid clients in prioritizing and focusing on three fundamental dimensions of their lives: physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being.
Goal Success
Goal Success Coaches specialize in defining, setting, and ultimately achieving goals, working closely with clients to understand their
aspirations, motivations, and challenges, and provide guidance and support throughout the goal-setting and goal-achievement process.Health & Nutrition
This certification applies behavioral science that influences the effective elimination of habits and practices that hinder a healthy and holistic life. We provide assistance in health aspects such as sleep, weight management, stress reduction, and disease prevention.
Expert Coach
Here the primary objective is to assist clients in achieving personal and professional growth by helping them identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and develop effective strategies for success. Expert coaches provide a vital role in empowering their clients to gain clarity, take action, and make positive changes to enhance their overall well-being and fulfillment.
Happiness Life Coach
This certification combines expertise, training, and positive psychology techniques to empower individuals to cultivate greater happiness, well-being, and fulfillment in their lives. Value is added by helping individuals cultivate happiness and well-being in their lives by utilizing evidence-based techniques and strategies.
Illustration of ETL
Here you can see an example of what ETL previously has offered its clients, including testimonials. ALL packages offer so much VALUE for phenomenal SOLUTIONS & RESULTS in order to create the lifestyle you DESERVE to be living.
Set a Life Map for Success!
The Ultimate Plan for You
Each Solution-Focused Lifestyle Coaching package comes with Unlimited Coaching and all tools for success.
You are supplied with an itemized life map for future, solid success with each and every step!
*Unlimited Coaching includes 2 weekly one-to-one sessions and access to coaching by email!
The People in My Life...
Happiest for these guys and YOU!!
Previous Projects
And Some Personal History...
Writing, Studying & Publishing
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I published a self-help book traditionally with Fort Dearborn Press, Chicago, IL. My work was inspired by the Columbine shootings that occurred in Colorado, and from that project, my coaching work began. Also, I've worked with athletes in Sports Publishing and have contributed to a variety of independent projects. Furthermore, I published an independent magazine (see sample below) and instructed English at Purdue to incoming Freshmen for 4 years. I definitely have completed many projects in writing, yet I also have done my fair share of research and have spent the last 5 years becoming the Lifestyle Specialist I am today.
Where I Live Now
Currently, I live in Arizona with my youngest son. My daughter lives in Colorado and is at university and my second son is on his way to an Aviation university in the Midwest, and my fantastic 11-year-old rules my life! I am inspired by the culture in Arizona daily with breathtaking skies and mountains all around me. Although Chicago is not where I am today, it is still very nice to occasionally visit where you once were.
Previous Publication
Shorewood Living: Sharing is Caring
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